
聊城代理记账公司 会计服务机构注意:发票打错了可以这样作废 规避企业代理记账过程中财务风险

    聊城代理记账公司 会计服务机构注意:发票打错了可以这样作废 规避企业代理记账过程中财务风险!(聊城代理记账公司聊城代理记账公司收费标准,聊城代理记账公司哪家好,聊城企业代理记账,聊城税务代理公司)详情登陆:www.063509.com


  Invalid invoice have the wrong number?


  Invoice wrong situation is inevitable, so the invoice wrong should be how to void? Should be the difference between the following situations:


  1, paper printed on the invoice is wrong, the invoice in the system has not yet issued, enter the system - blank invoice is invalid, find the corresponding Banks then become invalid. Jinan financial consulting company


  2, invoice printing system in printed to the paper, the other is the correct paper invoice in a printer, out from the system did not print this invoice to print.


  3, paper printed on the invoice is wrong, the invoice has been issued in the system, then enter the system to fill in the invoice